Blessing And Chanting by the Sangha members from Various Countries Ceremony at Waki Relic Museum


(WAki International Media Center 28thNov) The speech of Dr. Teo Choo Guan, President of Waki Relic Museum in the blessing and chanting by the sangha members from various countries Ceremony on 23rd Novemeber 2022.

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Good morning to Venerable Chao Khun Laow, all the respected Sangha members from United Kingdom, Norway,America, Singapore, Sweden, Netherlands, Thailand,Malaysia,Sri Lanka and Russia, brothers and sisters in dhamma, relatives, friends and all Waki Family members. Today is an auspicious day that we are honoured to be present at the enshrinement of the Buddha and his disciple’s relics in the Waki Relic Pagoda Ceremony and receive the blessing and chanting from the sangha members from various countries.

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Within 2,500 years, there have been more than hundred thousand stupas built in Burma for devotees to pay homage to the triple gems and enshrine the relics of the Buddha and his Disciples. Due to the long period of time, many pagodas and cetiya were destroyed by the natural disaster such as Earthquake, hurricanes and the poor maintenance. In order to propagate the buddha Sasana and enshrine the relics of the Buddha and his disciplines from generation to generation, Sayadaw U Kittivara followed the footstep of his two Masters, Venerable Sayadaw Suriya and Venerable Sayadaw Kondana in collecting and preserving the relics of the Buddha and His Disciples for more than hundred years. My heartfelt thanks that we had met the late Sayadaw U Kittivara, who was so trusting and supportive us during his lifetime. Therefore, we will carry out the Relic Missionary works continually and fulfill the wishes of the late Sayadaw on preserve and enshrine the Buddha and His Disciples’ relics for flourish and prolong the Buddhism into another 2,500 years. Today, representatives from different countries have gathered here to build and receive the relics of the Buddha and his disciples to enshrine in many different parts of the world, alike the ray of light that lights up the whole world and connect the global Buddhists in this new era salute to and recite the great virtues of the Buddha.

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In order to support and propagate the Buddha sasana, the King Ashoka had built 84,000 stupas and enshrined relics of the noble ones to distribute to all over Asia countries, and thus many people began to have faith in Buddhism and be able to follow the path of the Buddha until today. In this globalization era, 84000 types of Buddhist propagation can spread more rapidly all over the world than before for the benefit of all sentient beings. In this globalization era, 84000 types of Buddhist propagation can spread more rapidly all over the world than before for the benefit of all sentient beings. Therefore, I strongly believe the thought of the late Sayadaw U Kittivara that when we have completed the enshrinement of 84,000 waki relics pagodas all around the world, it represents the ray of light that lights up the whole world and the teachings of Buddhism will flourish to another 2,500 years. Therefore, I hope we will continue this missionary effort together to flourish and propagate the Buddha sasana to another 2500 years.

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Lastly, I would like thanks to venerable Chao Khun Laow and all the respected Sangha members visit Waki Relic Museum and give us the blessing. Besides, thanks to all the guests takes your time for participate and witnessing the ceremony. I wish all of you have good health, wisdom, good business, and wish be fulfilled and free from the disaster. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu.

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